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Modern Slavery Act

Slavery and human trafficking statement

Safetykleen acknowledges responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will ensure transparency within the organisation and by our suppliers. Safetykleen is committed to removing acts of modern day slavery from within its business and from within its supply chain.

Our business is primarily to supply and service industrial parts cleaners and provide and dispose of the chemicals they use in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Our direct supply chains are relatively short and in the main from within the UK or mainland Europe. However, we continually review our products and services and are committed to pursuing the objective that slavery and human trafficking plays no part in our supply chain or any part of our business.

Safetykleen has in place several policies and procedures in order to promote undertaking business in an ethical manner and complying with local laws and regulations. These policies include:

  • Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
  • Code of Ethical Business Conduct
  • Gifts & Hospitality Policy
  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
  • Whistle Blowing Policy

Safetykleen provides training on implementing the policies and support this through having a proactive HR department that provides ongoing guidance.

Supply chain
Safetykleen pursues the objective that their suppliers of goods and services comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It will not support, or deal with, suppliers or businesses that are knowingly involved with slavery, human trafficking or the exploitation of vulnerable adults or children. Safetykleen will not tolerate the use of deception, bribery, sexual or threatening behaviour within the organisation or its supply chain.